Callas Tribute prize in New York unites an American model and a Russian journalist for International Women’s day

The fourth edition of the Maria Callas Tribute Prize, the award that celebrates the centenary of the birth of the divine opera star, was held in the prestigious setting of the Italian Cultural Institute in New York.

“We are delighted to host this new edition of the award,” said the director of the Institute, Fabio Finotti. It is held the day before celebration of the International Women’s Day all over the world, a great way to remember the extraordinary figure, capable of attracting beauty to everything she was doing thanks to the strength of her talent. She must be especially remembered for the creation of the bridge that Callas built between Europe and the United States”.

Thanking the founder of the Tribute Prize producer Dante Mariti, CEO of the Italian company “Melos International” professor Finotti called the winners of the evening as “truly impressive” performers.

The Italian gala was presented by Claudia Conte, famous for her contribution as an activist fighter for women’s rights who was also awarded by the Honorable Christian Di Sanzio.

The evening of the awards recognized female talents, but also male ones – from the vast lyrical representation linked to the divine Callas and for having spread Italian culture around the world together with the personalities who have contributed to women empowerment in the fields of art, cinema, writing and social media. Among the famous award-winning opera singers who brightened the evening with their unique voices were the very famous Italian singer Simona Molinari, the Spanish singer Amalia Toboso, the favorite opera singer of the President of Italy Matarella Felicia Bongiovanni, the contemporary opera singer of Italian origin Maria Di Natale and the Pop singer Maheya Collins.

Important participants to be awarded were the eternal beauty, the American movie star who was filmed in numerous Italian films Carol Alt as well as the legendary American actress Clarissa Burtto.

The awardee for the world of social media was the statuesque American model and influencer Desiree Busnelli who was awarded by the journalist Ekaterina Shevliakova of Russian origin and coming from Moscow famous in Italy for having been a guest on numerous TV programs and a reporter for American video magazine “Cultured Focus Magazine”.  Desiree was rewarded for her social commitment by also being a mom – entrepreneur who despite her many commitments, manages to raise 3 beautiful children who bear an Italian surname.

Ekaterina Shevliakova underlined the importance for journalists to talk about culture and said that during her career she has interviewed more than 300 artists and was widely speaking about the beauty of Italy abroad and especially in the USA.

The two women are united by profound friendship that could be a symbol of peace and understanding between the nations of the world, but also are developing together a notable project related to strengthening women’s empowerment. For many years, both of them have been active in projects dedicated to this important topic and would like to make a foundation of an international association to help women in difficulty.

“In my opinion, while men are engaged in wars, it is up to women to take steps for ensure peace by helping other women,” says Ekaterina Shevliakova.  Many women are now in difficulty and find it very hard to find solutions for their complicated problems because they are discriminated due to their nationality or age, are evicted, misdirected and even prosecuted. It is necessary to create a system of psychological help, also with the collaboration of recruiters who can help women to be able to work and support themselves.

“Women Empowerment” is not just a beautiful expression that is in fashion, Ekaterina Shevliakova points out, “concrete actions are needed. People like me as a journalist, and Desiree, as an influencer with many followers, must try to use their images in media to help women overcome their hardships especially those  women who have been affected by wars and other disasters so that they could  proudly face every day of their lives.

Women must not be discriminated neither because of the color of their skin and nationality, nor because of their age. Nothing should  prevent them from getting good jobs and  it is absolutely absurd to still talk about all these discriminations and limitations in 2024. “

And the symbol of Maria Callas, who was a free woman and a great professional, will forever be an example of solidarity, talent and true women empowerment for all the protagonists of the prestigious award in the great city that “never sleep”s.

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