Women in Cinema Award in Rome

The Women in Cinema Award for female excellence makes a successful come back to the International Rome Film Festival.

By: Ekaterina Shevliakova

The Women for Cinema Award for female excellence in cinematography returns to the International Rome Film Festival.

This year the Award was dedicated to women who getting into dramatic situations experience big troubles due to wars and military conflicts that have shattered our world huge number of women at the present moment are facing personal battles for their salvation and that of their children.

Millions of women continue to fight for their freedom in Afganistan, Ukraine, Israel where many of them are physically engaged in fighting and risk their lives every day like in girls in Iran.

Many women in Israel and Palestina do not share ideas of violence but speak up for peace.

The event hosted by Claudia Conte elegantly wearing a Ferragamo dress took place on October 19 at 18.30 in the Sala Scarpa of MAXXI Museum of Rome.
Among the winners of the Eighth Edition of the Award were the singer and songwriter Nina Zilli, the stylist Vivia Ferragamo, the journalist and documentary maker Francesca Mannocci, the screen-writer Doriana Leondeff and Daria D’Antonio, who is a director of photography where normally men work.

Additionally actre ssLina Sastri received the Lifetime Achievement Award for her contribution to the cinema world. The social award was given to Joy Ezerkiel, a young Nigerian woman who experienced the horror of trafficking and who found the courage to tell her story in the book

I am Joy, a cry for freedom from the slavery of trafficking ”, The boog was prefaced by the Pope Francis.

Special Guest at the ceremony was the Minister for Family, Birth and Equal Opportunities in Italy Eugenia Maria Roccella who made an extraordinary testimonial for this Award being a sign of great sensitivity of the highest institution on a truly complicated topic.

In her brief interview to the journalist Ekaterina Shevliakova the Minister underlined her belief in  a new form of feminism against oppression women are facing every day.

Famous singer Nina Zilli spoke to Ekaterina Shevliakova about the importance of women empowerment and mentioned that she just recently gave birth to a baby girl and hopes that the world will improve by the time her daughter will have grown up.

Vivia Ferragamo mentioned in her interview that the work has been done by their brand to improve conditions of life for women in Africa.

Before the ceremony a round table entitled “May no talent go to waste” took place.

The round table under the title “Business, culture and equity” was organized by Claudia Conte in collaboration with KPMG to offer a contribution of reflection on the topic of valorisation of women talents, human capital and sustainable inclusive development in the film industry and culture. Moderated by the journalist Francesca Cenci the discussion saw the participation of Svetlana Celli, President of the Capitoline Assembly of Rome, Chiara Sbarigia, President of Cinecitta and APA, Federico Lucisano, CEO of Lucisano Media Group, Lodovico Mazzolin, General Director of the Institute for Sports Credit, as well as Roberto Natale, RAI Director for Sustainability and Lawyer Assumma

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